Thursday, February 11, 2010

Roosevelt Alumni Scholarship Essay Revised

The sounds of the outside world failed to intrude upon my concentration, as I stared at the blank paper laid out before me. My task was simple, to design a C02 powered car for my advanced technology class; yet, I found it that I was dumbstruck by all the possibilities I could place upon this paper. The idea of putting something from my mind on to paper, then later materializing that design into something that could be felt and seen by others was astounding to me. This simple little project would have a profound effect on my career choice and future in the years to come.
This project showed how I could use all the skills that I have acquired over the years can be put into a single project. The idea of that intrigued me and it is because of this project that I knew I wanted to be an aerospace engineer. I want to be an aerospace engineer because of the design process, testing, fabrication, and finding solutions to problems that may occur in the design. The University of Colorado has one of the best aerospace programs in the nation, and the price tag of twenty thousand dollars for two semesters to go with it. So, I feel that getting accepted into that program would be a great opportunity to accomplish my goal. Obtaining the required four year degree for aerospace engineering could cost upwards of forty thousand dollars, not including room and board. So in order to get my way through college, I will need help from scholarships, such as this one. My family will help me pay for college, and I will pay for most of it through my job as a lifeguard, but money is still a prevalent problem. So applying for scholarships will be extremely important as I advance through high school. They are going to be one of the best ways to pay through college. So, I am going to approach every scholarship as opportunities to get me where I want to go, and I must never waste that opportunity.
Looking back at that little C02 powered car now, I realized how that simple project pulled everything together. All of those skills to be successful were there and they were just waiting to be found. Now I take every opportunity that presents itself, so that I may further hone my skills to be better. Also, I must never waste an opportunity because by wasting an opportunity I am hurting myself and letting those that depend on me down. Even if I fail to accomplish an opportunity, such as a race or test, I can use that failure to learn and make myself better for the future.

1 comment:

  1. This essay is good and to the point. Do you know how to combine sentences with ; or , becuase I think that using those would help the flow of your essay. There are parts that would be stronger with that and it would help make sense of your main points:
    The University of Colorado has one of the best aerospace programs in the nation, and the price tag of twenty thousand dollars for two semesters to go with it; so, I feel that getting accepted into that program would be a great opportunity to accomplish my goal.

    I liked the conclusion. You may want to read this aloud before you send it to see if you like the way it sounds.

    Grade: 45/50
