Thursday, April 22, 2010

The Secret and The Miracle of Water Essay

What makes the human race so radically superior to our primate cousins? We share 99% of the same DNA, so why shouldn’t we be equal? Using logic to eliminate the possibilities we can show that it is not or physical being, then it must be our thoughts and souls that are intangible... The human thoughts and emotions are extremely powerful forces in lives of people. These forces can easily manifest themselves into our world and affect it for better or worse. How this is so can be explained in a number of ways, such as the theories presented in the beliefs of The Secret and The Miracle of Water. To understand why these theories are plausible in proving that a person defines themselves with their thoughts, we must understand each belief and the unique qualities of water.
Water is one of the most valuable resources to the survival of the human race; thus, it is easy to understand why it would convey thoughts with its unique properties. Even though, “When you look at water, taste and smell it - well, what could be more boring? Pure water is virtually colorless and has no taste or smell. But the hidden qualities of water make it a most interesting subject” ( Obviously, people need water to survive longer than a day or two; this is because the average man’s body consists of sixty percent of water and fifty-five percent for the average woman. Since water is part of our very being, it can pass on some of its unique properties on to us. One characteristic that water has that is important to us is the ability to adapt to and reflect the environment that surrounds it. That astounding ability helps convey thoughts and emotions to others.
Recently a man named Masaru Emoto developed a study involving water crystals, human emotions, and words written onto the beakers of the water being tested. Soon after Masaru let the water freeze, he removed the ice and took microscopic pictures of the formations of the ice crystals. The results were astounding, to say the least. Negative words, such as hate or Adolf Hitler, formed unorganized and foul looking formations. However, positive words, like love and Jesus Christ, formed organized and eye-pleasing formations. This astounding phenomenon may explained by the vibrations that humans send off when they from thoughts. As stated earlier, water has the ability to replicate the environment surrounding it on a physical and molecular level by responding to factors such as vibrations and materials around it. When a person thinks up a positive thought it affects the water molecules in that person’s body in a positive fashion, and vice versa for a negative thought. In essence, a person’s thoughts define who and what kind of person they are in life because the water in their bodies will synchronize with the present thought, and reflect that physically. For example, a person obsesses with hate and they will eventually fall apart and watch their health fade. It is evident that, “We know that human life is directly connected to the quality of our water, both within and all around us” (
Then there is The Secret, which we must go into depth to gain a better understanding of how thoughts come into play. Rhonda Byrne created the “secret”, or rather realized, after she endured a series of tragedies nearing the end of 2004. Those tragedies help her forge The Secret after receiving a book from her daughter. She describes her experience as follows, “Something inside of me had me turn the pages one by one, and I can still remember my tears hitting the pages as I was reading it. It gave me a glimpse of The Secret and it was like a flame inside of my heart” ( Rhonda felt those emotions after reading The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles, and felt the desire research more about this feeling she had. What is interesting about Rhonda’s belief is that it encompasses a number of religions and historic figures, such as Albert Einstein, the Bible, Winston Churchill, and Buddha. Her two month long odyssey took her thousands of years back into history and solidified her belief in what she had found.
Now that we understand where The Secret comes from, we can finally answer how it applies and what it is exactly. The Secret, or Law of Attraction, states that whatever a person has in their mind is what they attract. For example, if you say I want one million dollars the universe will provide. However, simply stating your desire will not guarantee it; you must truly believe with unquestionable faith that you are going to obtain what you desire. This is possible because the mind sends out signals to the universe on what is on the mind to attract it. The universe will provide your desire, even if everyone in the world is using The Secret. If a person believes that, “The essence of this law is that you must think abundance; see abundance, feel abundance, and believe abundance. Let no thought of limitation enter your mind” (Robert Collier). Also, staying positive and grateful will attract like minded people and positive events in a person life; thus, the thoughts of person define who they are and the quality of their life. Henry Ford does an exquisite job of putting this into words he said, “Whether you think you can or think you can’t, either way you are right” (Ford, Henry). The mind creates thoughts, which in turn, define ourselves and the world.
Together The Secret and The Miracle of Water prove that thoughts really do define who we are, what we are capable of, and the people that we are associated with. The Secret depicts the mindset that must go along with manifesting the correct thoughts that make a person successful in life endeavors. Only positive thoughts that promote growth and faith are able to invoke the power of the human mind. The Miracle of Water describes how our thoughts can be established into the physical world. Water helps us change into what we want to become and attract the people that are similar to us in beliefs and personalities.
Again, thoughts are a defining factor in the human race. These two beliefs help explain how powerful their potential for change is. That potential is inside every human being is simply incredible and shows no sign of limitations. With faith, determination, and imagination, the human race can accomplish amazing feats in every single endeavor imaginable.