Thursday, January 28, 2010

College Essay

Brandon Walker
Mrs. Borenson
Expository Writing, 4th Period
College Essay
28 January 2010

The sounds of the outside world failed to intrude upon my room and concentration, as I stared at the blank paper laid out before me. My task was simple, to design a C02 powered car for my advanced technology class. Yet, I found it that I was dumbstruck by all the possibilities I could place upon this paper. The idea of putting something from my mind on to paper, then later materializing that design into something that could be seen by others was astounding to me. This simple little project would have a profound effect on my career choice and future.
Prior to taking home my designs, my technology teacher informed us that we were to design and fabricate C02 powered cars in the following weeks. He said our goal was design the fastest car that we could possibly could. However, there was a catch to that simple request. He challenged us to open our minds, and create something that was creative and devoid of influence from the outside world. So with this thought in mind, I went home and began to design something that was entirely my own. Seconds turned to minutes, minutes to hours as I focused on my work. Only the task that lay before me was all that mattered. Finishing my design on time was the only problem that was persistent, but I managed to overcome that and turn it in. Once approved, I began to move to the next phases.
The next phase to complete was to actually materialize my ideas into the real world with own hands. The only materials we were given was a block of balsa wood, a saw, some axels, and some wheels. We were only given one or two of these materials, there was no second chances. If a mistake was made it could not be undone, so every move must be carefully executed. However, we were encouraged to ask for and help others around us. Out of all of our resources, I soon found out that my best resource was my fellow classmates. For example, I helped one of my classmates when he cut his car out unevenly. I took away time from my own project, so that my friend would not fall too far behind trying to even out his car. Although, I had to spend extra time after school to finish project, but it was worth it to help someone in need. In spite of helping my friend, a problem soon snaked its way into my project. My design called for placing the wheels inside of the body of the car, which would not fit inside the space I had allocated earlier. Looking back at it now, I realized that problem would lead to other events that would help me further myself. That day I went home, frustrated and exhausted, to think on a solution. My mother saw my frustration and asked what was wrong. I told her about my project and the problem I had encountered. After hearing my problem and my possible solutions, she laughed at me and told me I sounded like an aerospace engineer. As we talked more about that subject, I realized how good that occupation sounded to me. Intrigued, I researched more on the internet. A few moments later, I realized what I wanted to do with my future and how I might accomplish my goals. I want attend the University of Colorado and obtain a degree in Aerospace Engineering. Also, I want to participate in the swim program that the University of Colorado has. Excited with my earlier realization, I attacked my problem. I decided that the simplest solution was to cut the wheels and reduce the number of wheels to only two. I was able to keep the car upright by making the car perfectly balanced, not an easy task with a saw and sand paper. The overall design was complete after I added some vibrant blue paint and a contrasting white strip down the middle, then was time to race. My car was not the fastest, but it was the most complex and different car in my teacher’s technology class. This project made me realize all the skills I acquired over the years to be successful.
My mother, who is one of my biggest influences in life, has always told me that just being smart does not mean you will always be guaranteed instant success. She said you must be involved and make the right choices in life. That is why I have always strived to be involved and do the best in all that I do. Currently I am involved in the Valley High School Boy’s Swim Team, The Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA), Knowledge Bowl, and Manager for the Valley High School Girl’s Swim Team, and The Valley Club Swim Team. Swimming has taught me so much in my life and has proven to be an invaluable experience. It has taught me to be self-motivated, to be disciplined, how to motivate others, to lead, and to make use of every opportunity. I have made use of these skills every time the opportunity presented itself, like when I helped motivate our relay to break the school’s 400 freestyle relay record. When out of the pool I have used my discipline to earn a letter for academics by maintaining a GPA better than 3.7, and earning a place in the academic all state first team. Also, in FBLA I have awarded a district honors award for my performance at district. I know what it takes to be successful and I am not afraid to put the extra effort to do so.
Looking back at that little C02 powered car now, I realized how that simple project pulled everything together. Now I take every opportunity that presents itself and never waste it. This is why obtaining this scholarship is so important to me. It is an opportunity to further better myself and see how much I can improve and show how far I can go in life.